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Information on registration and login for SciFinder

Authentication Tools

We have provided a simple bookmarklet that allows you to easily authenticate:

  1. Drag the Authenticate! button to your bookmarks toolbar/sidebar.
  2. When you need to load an electronic resource, click the bookmarklet. It will route the page through correct Library server and give you access.




If you are using a mobile device (phone, tablet, etc.) or are having issues dragging and dropping the bookmarklet button, you can also create the bookmarklet manually. The exact method varies depending on which browser you use, but you'll want to view your list of bookmarks and ask to create a new one. Give it a name you'll remember easily, and for the URL address use:


Once you've saved your bookmark, you can use it by clicking it when you're searching for journal articles and asked to pay. The bookmarklet will reroute your request through our proxy server.

LibKey Nomad imageIn Firefox and Chrome you can install the LibKey Nomad browser extension:

"LibKey Nomad automatically provides instant links to full text content for articles subscribed to by your library - or open access alternatives - as you do research on the web and come across literature...Special enhancement is also performed in-line on sites like PubMed and Wikipedia."

In Safari you can do a text replace with

  • System preferences > Keyboard > Text

As an alternative to all of the above, you can paste the following in your browser's address bar to initiate authentication:

[Depending on how the web address displayed, the second http:// may not be necessary.]


Deleting Cookies and Site Data


  • paste the following into your browser: chrome://settings/content/all?
  • delete the data affiliated with “”


  • paste the following into your browser: about:preferences#privacy
  • scroll down to “Cookies and Site Data” and click on “Manage Data…”
  • search for “” and remove