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Study Aids

Lexis Digital Library

The Lexis Digital Library offers online access to study aids from Carolina Academic Press and Lexis, as well as many of our Lexis treatises and physical titles. This online collection supplements MacMillan Law Libraries' print collection which includes titles from Lexis publishing, Wolters Kluwer Publishing, Carolina Academic Press, and others.  

Series included in the Lexis Digital Library:

Navigating the Lexis Digital Library

The navigation tab for the Lexis Digital Library is on the left side of the screen, and it includes the following tools:

  • Home: View your recent items
  • Browse library: Browse collections or subjects. You can also search with the search bar at the top of any page.
  • My books: View your reading history and pick up where you left off
  • My annotations: View, search, and filter your annotations
  • Export queue: Export/copy your annotations
  • My tags: See your tags and all the books assigned to them


Questions for the MacMillan Law Library?

Have a research question for the library?

Students, please submit your question(s) here:  

Faculty, please submit your question(s) here:

MacMillan Library Hybrid Research Services:

          Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
          Saturday - Sunday: Closed 

MacMillan Library Building Hours (January 6 - April 4):

Monday - Thursday: 8am - Midnight
Friday: 8am - 8pm
Saturday: 10am - 6pm
Sunday: Noon - Midnight

Reference Desk:
Monday: 10am - 4pm
Tuesday: 10am - 4pm
Wednesday: 10am - 1pm; 2pm - 4pm
Thursday: 10am - 4pm
Friday: 10am - 1pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed

IT Help Desk:
Monday - Friday: 
Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Emory Law Archives:
Physical archives: By appointment only.
Digital archives: More information available here
Limited remote services are available on a case-by-case basis. 
Questions?  Email Anna Sturgill, Law Librarian for Archives and Assessment Services