This page provides information on which guides can be most helpful based on your needs and time in the semester and includes:
These study aids are designed to provide an overview of the general concepts in a particular area of law. They offer high-level concepts, are straightforward, and do not include deep analysis or discussion. These are great early in the semester to get your bearings in broad, doctrinal courses and can offer foundational support for course outlines.
Nutshell Series Short & Happy Series Understandings Series
(West: online and print) (West: online only) (Lexis: online and print)
Mastering Series Concepts & Insights Concise Hornbook Series
(Lexis: online and print) (West: online and print) (West: online and print)
Westlaw has:
Analytical Guide to Evidence - An Overview of Relevance and Hearsay: A Nine-Step Analytical Guide by Norman M. Garland.
This article is an analytical guide to the study of two major aspects of evidence: relevance and hearsay. The vehicle used by this guide is a step-by-step, nine-question analysis, applicable to any admissibility of evidence problem. This guide should help one determine whether any item of evidence is admissible under the rules of evidence pertaining to relevance and hearsay.
Lexis+ has:
Learn Civil Procedure from the Recognized Expert - a series of short videos by Jay Wagstaffe on learning, surviving and thriving in first-year Civil Procedure.
Bloomberg Law has:
If the "general concept" guides listed above do not provide enough detail, or if you are struggling with a specific concept, Aspen's Examples and Explanations series provides in-depth discussion on narrow topics within the larger doctrinal area.
Commercial outlines provide just that - an outline of the legal concepts within a particular topic. They do not offer explanation or discussion, rather they are literally stand-alone outlines.
Emanuel Law Outlines Black Letter Outlines
(Aspen: online and print) (West: online and print)
West has:
Outline Shells (Note: same as Black Letter Outlines in print)
Lexis has:
BarBri Outlines for Law School Courses:
Bloomberg has:
When finals time rolls around, use these flowcharts, summaries, quick reviews, and flashcards to make sure you are ready for the exam.
CrunchTime Series Gilbert Law Summaries Quick Review Series (Aspen: online and print) (West: online and print) (West: online only)
Law in a Flash
(Aspen: print only)
Westlaw has:
Course Flowcharts - for a variety of courses:
Litigation Toolkits ("Toolkits include resources such as Practice Notes, Standard Documents, Checklists and Flowcharts.")
West Academic Assessment: Practice Essays
West has:
Traditional Treatises:
Complete List of Treatises by Topic
Course Outlines for some First-year courses (Contracts, Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, and Business Organizations & Associations) and Practical Law Course Study Collections for a variety of upper-level courses. Note: these are "collection[s] of Practice Notes which provide in-depth coverage of specific legal issues written for practicing attorneys."
Lexis has:
Traditional Treatises:
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