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AAS267W: The Civil Rights Movement

Find Books at Emory with Library Search

Use Library Search, the catalog, to find books, journals, videos, government documents, microfilm collections and other materials at the Emory libraries, which include Woodruff, Pitts Theology, Health Sciences Center, McMillan Law, Guy Chemistry, Math & Science Center and, Oxford libraries.

Find Books from Other LIbraries

A catalog for libraries worldwide, WorldCat contains citations for books, journals, manuscripts, maps, music scores, sound recordings, films, computer files, newspapers, slides, and videotapes.

Materials from WorldCat may be requested through Interlibrary Loan.

Interlibrary Loan

Using Interlibrary Loan (ILL), you can:

  • borrow books and more from other libraries
  • get copies of articles that Emory doesn't own

You will be notified when your materials arrive (most materials are obtained within 2 weeks).