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Legal Foundations - Academic Legal English (Prof. Schaetzel, Summer 2023)

Course Description

The Legal Foundations pre-orientation program is designed to prepare international students to start off on the right foot with basic knowledge and understanding of what they are expected during their upcoming law program. The Academic English for Law Classes session give them an opportunity to revisit the specific law or legal system of their interest from their own country, identify any current or potential loopholes or problems therein, and then think about how to reform or redesign that law or legal system. This session trains students to employ and develop critical thinking and problem-solving approaches. The session introduces students to how professors expect them to learn in US law classes, to US written discourse structure, to using and attributing source materials, and to reviewing legal English sentence structure, grammar, and mechanics. Students will practice the skills they learn through the development and writing of a short paper. In this course, you are expected to write a brief analysis of the potential reform of law in your country or in the U.S. Working on this project may require foreign and/or comparative law research.