Google Scholar searches scholarly literature across many disciplines and can be a useful first step.
However, Google Scholar only searches a small subset of materials you can identify via "library" databases like those listed here ...
..AND in most cases it doesn't provide full text, which you'll end up retrieving from library sources anyway.
Install the Libx library toolbar plug-in in your FireFox or Internet Explorer browser
When searching some of the databases below, you may notice that you can't access the full-text of some articles. Use the purple Find it at Emory button to do a quick search of Emory library databases to determine if the article exists somewhere else. You can also search for the title of the journal in Library Search.
Following is a SELECT list of databases that provide full text OR references to articles from secondary source journals - and in some cases to books and other secondary source materials - relevant for U.S. History research.
See Databases@Emory for a complete list of the library's databases.
History Databases
Prominent source for scholarly journal articles, book reviews, and dissertations in U.S. & Canadian history. Covers sources published from the 1960s to present.
Access scholarly journal articles, books reviews, and dissertations in modern world history (1450 to present) excluding the U.S. and Canada. Covers sources published from 1955 to present.
Multidisciplinary Databases