For assistance with Emory University related IACUC, contact Mia S. White:
For assistance with Emory-VA related IACUC, contact Jeremy Kupsco:
For assistance with Emory IACUC searches, please contact Mia White at: You can also make a Zoom appointment to discuss your searching issues:
For assistance with Emory-VA IACUC searches, please contact Jeremy Kupsco at: You can also make a Zoom appointment to discuss your searching issues:
Emory University has a University site license for the citation management program EndNote. You can download and install EndNote from the Software Express server with your University NetID and password. Mac users currently operating Big Sur will need to install EndNote 20, which is also available for download from the Software Express server.
For additional information regarding EndNote, visit the WHSC Library's EndNote page.
There are other open source (free) citation management programs available like Mendeley and Zotero. Please visit the citation management page for more information.
Emory University Licenses Covidence, a tool that helps with the literature review process from deduplication of records, to the screening process, all the way to the extraction process. Covidence is available to all Emory faculty, staff, and students. Non-Emory individuals working on Emory projects can be added to a project, once an account has been established.
Search the University Libraries' catalog, discoverE to find both online and print books regarding animal models or methods. Here is a search in discoverE for the books on the subject of animal models.
If Emory University does not have an article, book, or DVD you need, you can use the InterLibrary Loan Service. It is a free service provided by the Emory University Libraries for items unavailable in our print or online collections. Go to: and login with your University NetID and password.
Once you are on the ILLiad page, choose an option:
Populate the online form and click Submit Request at the bottom.
You should receive the article (pdf) within 1-2 business days. If you are requesting a book it will take longer (between 10-14 business days). The lending library has to mail the physical book to Emory University.