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ANT285-3: Hormones and Human Social Behavior

Dr. Daniel Coppeto, Spring 2021

General Indicators

World Development Indicators Online
GREAT SOURCE! World Development Indicators (WDI) is the World Bank's annual compilation of data/statistics about development; provides direct access to more than 550 development (economic and social) indicators for 208 countries from 1960 to 2001. Online format allows you to select the countries, indicators, and years in which you are interested and create customized tables.

UNESCO Data Centre
Provides access to a variety of key indicators and and raw data on education, literacy, and science and technology. The Global Rankings page is a good place to get a quick overview of an indicator across a region and the country profiles will provide more detailed information for an indicator.

US Census Bureau
Vital stats and context/socioeconomic data; not really health data. Data collected every 10 yrs; non-census years its often hard to get more detailed info. Most online data is from the 1990 and 2000 censuses, but there is some historical data (back to 1940s?) in some areas. Information can be viewed at the state level.

Statistical Abstract of the United States
For older demographic/socioeconomic data broken down by state. Note: The U.S. Census Bureau terminated the collection of data for the Statistical Compendia program effective October 1, 2011.

International Health Data

US Statistics

CDC The website for the CDC includes a section devoted to data and statistics at both the national and state levels. The CDC's A-Z topic index is also useful for locating quantitative information on particular topics. A variety of information is available on the site, but sometimes you have to dig and data is often accessible via links that might not sound as if they are directly related to your topic.

CDC Wonder is a portal to numerous studies concerning health-related topics such as AIDS/STDs, risk behaviors (the Behavioral Risk Surveillance System), mortality and natality statistics.

NCHS (National Center for Health Statistics, a part of the CDC) The three links below are some of the more useful links on the NCHS site:

  • FASTSTATS A to Z (stats by subject and by state)
  • Surveys and Data Collection Systems (ongoing/periodic surveys etc. collected by NCHS)
  • NHIS Survey (National Health Interview Survey) is the principal source of information on the health of the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the United States and is one of the major data collection programs of the NCHS.

National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) is an on-going survey series focusing on matters of family history and reproductive history (e.g. marital history, childbirth, usage of contraceptives) as well as more general matters such as employment history and demographics. The latest wave of the NSFG is also available on CD-ROM in the Data Center. Older waves are also available via the Social Science Electronic Data Library and in harmonized form via the Integrated Fertility Survey Series.

Georgia Division of Public Health is an excellent source for public health data as it relates specifically to the state of Georgia.