For your Bio 142 class you will need to use the citation style that can be found in your lab manual in Appendix A on page 200. This style is different to citation styles you may have used in your other classes such as Chicago or APA.
Because of its uniqueness you will not be able to copy and paste automatically generated citations from databases or other citation generators without making adjustments to the citations.
If you have any questions or have trouble citing a source, reach out to a librarian!
Basic Scholarly Journal Article Citation
Author Last Name, Author First Initial. "Title of the Article." Journal Title, Publication Year, vol. Volume # (Issue #), pp. page numbers. doi: DOI.
Example: Gould, S.J. "Is a New and General Theory of Evolution Emerging?" Paleobiology, 1980, vol. 6, pp. 119-130.
Journal Article with two or more authors
Author Last Name, Author First Initial., Author First Initial. Author Last Name, and Author First Initial. Author Last Name. "Title of the Article." Journal Title, Publication Year, vol. Volume # (Issue #), pp. page numbers. doi: DOI.
Example: Jinek, M., K. Chylinski, I. Fonfar, M. Hauer, J.A. Doudna, and E. Charpentier. "A Programing Dual-RNA-guided DNA Endonuclease in Adaptive Bacterial Immunity." Science, 2014, vol. 337(6069), pp. 816-21. doi: 10.1126/science.1225829.
Journal Article with no DOI
Author Last Name, Author First Initial. "Title of the Article." Journal Title, Publication Year, vol. Volume # (Issue #), pp. page numbers. URL. Accessed month day, year.
Example: Browning, T. "Embedded Visuals: Student Design in Web Spaces." Kairos : a Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments, 1997, vol.3 (1). Accessed July 12, 2023.
Basic Book
Author Last Name, Author First Initial. Book Title. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.
Example: Darwin, C.R. On the Origin of Species. London: John Murray, 1859.
Book Chapter without an Editor
Author Last Name, Author First Initial. "Chapter Title," in Book Title. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication, pp. page numbers
Example: Roach, M. "Unstowed: escaping gravity on board NASA's C-9," in Packing for Mars : the Curious Science of Life in the Void. New York: W.W. Norton, 2010, pp. 95-106.
Chapter in an Edited Book
Author Last Name, Author First Initial. "Chapter Title," in Book Title, eds. Editor First Initial. Editor Last name. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication, pp. page numbers.
Example: Funk, D.J. "Investigating Ecological Speciation" in Speciation and Patterns of Diversity, eds. R. K. Butlin, J. R. Bridle, and D. Schluter. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009. pp. 195-218.
Author Last Name, Author Initial. Date of Publication. Page title. URL or Identifier. Accessed Month Day, Year.
Example: [CSE] Council of Science Editors. 2023. Council of Science Editors homepage. Accessed July 12, 2023.
Online Government Publication:
Government Agency Name. Date of Publication. Publication Title. Publication no. Publication #. URL or Identifier. Accessed Month Day, Year.
Example: Office of Technology Assessment. 1993, Sep. Harmful Non-Indigenous Species in the United States. Publication no. OTA-F-565. Accessed July 12, 2023.
Printed Government Publications:
Government Agency Name. Publication Title. Publication no. Publication #. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.
Example: Office of Technology Assessment. Harmful Non-Indigenous Species in the United States. Publication no. OTA-F-565. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office,1993.
For this style you use parenthetical citations for in-text citation. Only include the author's last name and the publication year separated by a comma in parentheses. Typically, you put this at the end of the sentence just before the period.
(Author's Last Name, Publication Year)
According to one scholar, Superman, while having many impressive superpowers, is bad at the investigative parts of crime fighting (Wayne, 1942).
(Author's Last Name and second Author's Last Name, Publication Year)
Superman, while having many impressive superpowers, is bad at the investigative parts of crime fighting (Wayne and Prince, 1942).
Three or more Authors Format:
(Author's Last Name et al., Publication Year).
Superman, while having many impressive superpowers, is bad at the investigative parts of crime fighting (Wayne et al., 1942).
If you like using Zotero or another citation management software you can download and add the Oxford College Biology Citation style to the software of your choice to be able to automatically generate citations in the correct style.
To add the style to Zotero app on you computer, first download the file above. Then go navigate to settings.
On PC in the Zotero app go to Edit tab than click settings from the dropdown.
On a mac this will be in the top navigation bar under the Zotero tab next to the apple icon and go to settings in the dropdown.
This will open up the settings menu of Zotero. Navigate to the Cite Tab. On the cite menu, you want to click the + button in the bottom right hand corner.
This will open up the menu where you can select the file "Updated_oxford-college-biology-citation-style.csl" This will be in you downloads folder and will most likely be the only file that you can select. Once you have selected the correct file, click on open. The style should be added to the list of citation style on this cite page at the bottom.
When using Zotero, you can now select the Oxford College Biology Citation Style.