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British and Irish Literature: British Poetry

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British Poetry

Ashton, Dore and Matti Megged. (MSS 1068). Collection, 1958-1994; .5 linear ft. (1 box).

Dore Ashton (1928- ) is an art critic, author, and teacher. Her husband Matti Megged (1923-2003) was an Israeli-born writer and teacher. The collection consists of correspondence and other material collected by Dore Ashton and Matti Megged from 1958-1994. Correspondence from Octavio Paz is addressed to Dore Ashton. Correspondence from Samuel Beckett, Italo Calvino, and E. E. Cummings is addressed to Matti Megged. The collection also includes general correspondence concerning Megged's writings, a photograph of Ashton and Paz, and a speech written by Ashton for a conference on Paz.


Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hughes). (MSS 1046). Collection, 1934-1980; 2 linear ft. (4 boxes, 2 oversized papers).

This collection contains broadcasts scripts for essays read over German radio by Auden in the 1960s, typescripts of two class lectures given by Auden, a large range of newspaper clippings of essays and poems by Auden as well as reviews and commentary by other critics and readers of his work, and numerous programs for performances of Auden's plays and librettos in both the United States and England.


Brown, Ashley. (MSS 1069). Collection, 1955-1997; .5 linear ft. (1 box).

The collection contains correspondence, manuscripts, and printed material collected by Ashley Brown from 1955-1997. The correspondence is addressed to Ashley Brown from correspondents Stephen Spender, James Merrill, Anthony Hecht, Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Fitzgerald, and Sally Fitzgerald. Correspondents sometimes also sent clippings, manuscripts of poems and other writings, and photographs. The Flannery O’Connor / Susan Jenkins Brown correspondence was collected by Brown rather than addressed to him. Ashley Brown wrote an article in 1986 in The Southern Review concerning this set of correspondence. The collection also contains drafts of this article.


Duffy, Carol Ann. (MSS 834). Papers, 1985-1999; 6.75 linear ft. (9 boxes 1 oversized paper).

This collection contains the papers of English poet Carol Ann Duffy, featuring18 notebooks (1985-1999) with drafts of poems and other writings from each of Duffy’s published works.


Eliot, T. S. (MSS 1103). Collection, 1920-2001; 4 linear ft. (4 boxes, 4 oversized papers).

This collection consists of material relating to T. S. Eliot collected by Julius M. Cruse, including some correspondence and a lecture by Eliot, printed material, photographs, and audiovisual material. Printed material includes exhibition catalogs, programs, bookseller and publisher catalogs, and lectures related to T. S. Eliot.

Ghodes, Clarence Louis Frank. (MSS 155). Papers, 1889-1952 (bulk 1935-1952); .25 linear ft. (1 box).

This collection includes correspondence relating to his relationship with American and British literary figures as well as single letters from a variety of authors including T. S. Eliot, Sherwood Anderson, Robert Frost, and Thomas Mann.


Heath-Stubbs, John. (MSS 643). Collection, 1962-1967; .5 linear ft. (1 box).

These papers include manuscripts of poems, in holograph and typescript; translations; critical essays; and one unfinished play. Of particular interest are originals of poems, some fragmentary, from The Blue-Fly in His Head (1962); typescripts of Heath-Stubbs' edition of Selected Poems by Alexander Pope (1964), including the notes, commentary introduction, and some of the poems included in the work; and his unfinished and unpublished play, "Aurelia."


Hobsbaum, Philip. (MSS 1013). Collection, 1962-1971; .25 linear ft. (1 box).

The collection contains material related to Philip Hobsbaum's publishing activities with The Review from 1962 to 1971. The papers include correspondence with The Review editor John Smith, typescripts and proof sheets of articles published in the periodical, a letter to the editor praising Hobsbaum's article, "Elizabethan Poetry," and four typescript poems Hobsbaum submitted to The Review for publication.


Logue, Christopher. (MSS 992). Collection, 1945-2006; 12.5 linear ft. (25 boxes and 2 oversized papers).

The personal and literary papers of Christopher Logue include correspondence, literary notebooks, literary manuscripts, and collected printed material. The papers include typescripts of many published works and selections from projects Logue edited. Of particular note are extensive manuscripts and background materials for Logue's War Music collections, and publishing correspondence for some of his major works. The collection includes early journals and notebooks, musical arrangements, and unpublished poetry and screenplays.


Malone, Kemp. (MSS 541). Papers, 1910-1970; 7.5 linear ft. (13 boxes).

Kemp Malone (1889-1971) was a graduate of Emory College (1907) before becoming a professor at Johns Hopkins University (1924-1956.) A medievalist and world authority on Chaucer, he was also an etymologist and author of over 500 works. At the time of his death, he was working on a "History of the English Language." The collection includes notes, an etymology ledger, bibliography cards, articles, biographical information, correspondence, poetry and other writing. Restrictions may apply on reproduction.


Miller, Karl. (MSS 1090). Papers, 1.25 linear ft. (3 boxes).

This collection includes correspondence written to Miller by writers, literary scholars, and public intellectuals; correspondents include Seamus Heaney, Ted Hughes, Hugh MacDiarmid, Dylan Thomas, and many other. Also present are writings by Miller, including typescripts of Dark Horses: An Experience of Literary Journalism (1998) and The Electirc Shepherd: A Likeness of James Hogg (2003), as well as reviews of his works. Additionally, the collection contains writings by others, with essays by Scottish writers Hugh MacDiarmid and Sorley MacLean.


Moore, T. Sturge (Thomas Sturge). (MSS 188). Collection, 1928-1934; .25 linear ft. (1 box, 1 oversized paper).

T. Sturge Moore (1870-1944) was an English author, art critic, and wood engraver. The collection contains forty-one letters from Moore to Charles Wilson dating from 1928-1934 concerning professional and personal issues as well as criticism of contemporary authors and discussions of his own work. The collection also has two photographs of Moore, four pen and ink drawings Moore made for Yeats' Reveries, and one bookplate designed by Moore.


Nuttall, Jeff. (MSS 1118). Collection, 1962-1978; 2 linear ft. (4 boxes).

The collection includes manuscripts and typescripts of his poems, notebooks containing artwork and writings, a sketchbook, and a small amount of correspondence.


Pound, Ezra. (MSS 778). Collection, 1911-1920; .25 linear ft. (1 box).

This collection includes eight letters written by Pound (1885-1972) to the American patron John Quinn in which he discusses Maud Gonne, W.B. Yeats, James Joyce, as well as other subjects. Also present is a single three page typescript by Lennox Robinson which discusses this Pound/Quinn correspondence. The collection also contains a single printed item, a broadside for Ezra Pound's "Three Lectures on Medieval Poetry," one of which was chaired by W.B. Yeats. Restrictions: The letters of Ezra Pound may not be reproduced without the permission of the Pound estate.


Rodman, Selden. (MSS 1073). Collection, 1938-1959; .25 linear ft. (1 box).

The collection focuses on Ted Hughes and W.H. Auden, and includes handwritten and typed drafts of poems by Hughes and Auden, correspondence to Selden Rodman, writings by Rodman concerning Auden, printed and manuscript drafts of reviews by Auden, and newspaper clippings. The collection also includes two typewritten poems by Sylvia Plath. The collection sustained heavy fire and water damage prior to acquisition. Some items are not fully intact or may be difficult to read. Restrictions: Writings by Ted Hughes (letters and literary works) may not be reproduced without the written permission of Carol Hughes.

Spender, Stephen.  (MSS 838). Papers, ca. 1940-1987; .25 linear ft. (1 box, 1 oversized paper).

This collection contains correspondence of Spender during his editorships at both Horizon and Encounter, as well as some loose manuscripts of criticism and poems, a notebook, and a number of newspaper clippings about Spender (in Italian).


Weissbort, Daniel. (MSS 894). Papers, ca. 1957-1999; 1 linear ft. (2 boxes, 1 oversized paper)

The collection contains his correspondence, including letters from Ted Hughes, Joseph Brodsky, and Yehuda Amichai, and manuscripts of these writers as well as Susan Alliston and Janos Pilnsky.



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