Contains resources from Georgia State, Georgia Tech, University of Georgia and other Georgia public colleges & universities [does NOT include Emory and other private institutions]
Contains the holdings of thousands of libraries worldwide. Citations for books, journals, manuscripts, maps, music scores, sound recordings, films, computer files, newspapers, slides, videotapes, etc., in a variety of languages.
The book titles are full-length, searchable, and have been recommended and reviewed by scholars. Contains works of significance to their field useful resources for scholars and students.
Full-text access to more than 300 volumes published since 1960 across 15 subject areas. Users can create accounts and save searches, place bookmarks, and adjust search results.
Access a wide variety of book chapters and books in the humanities and other disciplines. Note: You may not be able to access the most current 2–7 years of certain journals—but many of these recent publications are found in Project MUSE. Please limit your search option to "Book Chapters" under "Academic Content."
Covers the fields of literature and criticism, history, cultural studies, education, political science, and more. Please limit your search results to eBooks. To do this, select "Books" under "Content Type" on the left side of the screen.