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AAS385 | LING340 | ANTH340: African American Language / Britt

Welcome to the AAS385/LING340/ANTH340 Research Guide

Welcome to your library research guide! Feel free to contact me if you have questions or if you'd like to set up an appointment to discuss your research in more detail.

Erica Bruchko - Librarian for African American Studies

Find African American-Authored Materials

In the library catalog, you can search by something called a "Genre Heading." Genre terms allow researchers to search by the identify of the author (among other things). Although not all materials written by African American authors are indexed this way, it's a place to start!

Genre Term: "African American Author"

You can also find African American-authored materials by searching for "African American" as a subject. Here are some examples:

African American Authors

African Americans--Music

African American Musicians

For more search tips, go to the tabs to your left!