- Amar, Angela Frederick (Nursing) and L. Kathleen Sekula, A Practical Guide to Forensic Nursing: Incorporating Forensic Principles into Nursing Practice. Nursing Knowledge International.
- Biousse, Valerie (Ophthalmology and Neurology) and Nancy J. Newman (Ophthalmology and Neurology), Neuro-Ophthalmology Illustrated. 2nd edition. Thieme Medical.
- Brigham, Ken (Medicine, emeritus), Death in Printers Alley: A Shane Hadley Mystery. Kellan.
- Cai, Qiang (Medicine), Bassel El-Rayes (Winship Cancer Institute), Jerome Landry (Winship Cancer Institute), David Kooby (Surgery), and Virginia Shaffer (Surgery), eds. Gastrointestinal Malignancies: New Innovative Diagnostics and Treatment. World Scientific.
- Clements, Stephen (Medicine), Andro G. Kacharava (Medicine), and A. Maziar Zafari (Medicine), Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization. Cardiotext.
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- Doverspike, William F. (Psychology), Risk Management: Clinical, Ethical, and Legal Guidelines for Successful Practice. 2nd edition. Professional Resource.
- Heilpern, Philip S. (Psychiatry), Doc of Aged: Memoirs of a Traveling Psychiatrist. CreateSpace.
- Horowitz, Ira (Medicine), E.J. Bieber, J.S. Sanfilippo, M.I. Shafi, eds., Clinical Gynecology. 2nd edition. Cambridge UP.
- Hymes, Leonard Curtis (Medicine, emeritus), ed., Pediatric Renal Transplantation: Protocol and Controversies. Nova Biomedical.
- Jaeger, Dieter (Biology) and Ranu Jung, eds., SpringerEncyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience. Springer.
- Jo, Hanjoong (Cardiology), Ho-Wook Jun, Sang Ho Lee, and Jennifer Shin, eds., Biomedical Engineering: Frontier Research and Converging Technologies. Springer.
- Kalaidjian, Walter (English), ed., Cambridge Companion to Modern American Poetry. Cambridge UP.
- Kim, Elizabeth (Psychology) and Sharon M. Sheridan, eds., Research on Family-School Partnerships: An Interdisciplinary Examination of State of the Science and Critical Needs. Vol. II: Processes and Pathways of Family-School Partnerships. Springer.
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- King, Sally Wolff (Medicine), A Dark Rose: Love in Eudora Welty’s Stories and Novels. Louisiana State UP.
- Kleinbaum, David. (Public Health), ActivEpi Web. Digital only.
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- Loring, David (Neurology and Pediatrics), INS Dictionary of Neuropsychology and Clinical Neurosciences,
Vol. 2. Oxford UP.
- Martin, Anthony J. (Environmental Sciences), Dinosaurs Without Bones: Dinosaur Lives Revealed by Their Trace Fossils. Paperback edition. Pegasus.
- Randleman, J. Bradley (Ophthalmology) and Ike Ahmed, eds., Intraocular Lens Surgery: Selection, Complications, and Complex Cases. Thieme Medical.
- Rimawi, Bassam (Gynecology and Obstetrics), ed., Infectious Comorbidities Encountered in Obstetrics and Neonatology. OMICS Group eBooks.
- Rimawi, Ramzy (Medicine), Bedside Critical Care Medicine Guide. OMICS Group Incorporation.
- Schuster, David M. (Radiology and Imaging Sciences), See the Thread Drop. dmsbooks.
- Shulman, Neil (Medicine), Jack Birge, Joon Ahn, and Hector Fabio Rivera. Algunas de Las Senales de Alarma de su Cuerpo (Your Body’s Red Light Warning Signals). Authorhouse.
- Yamaguchi, Masayoshi (Hematology and Medical Oncology), ed., Genistein and Daidzein: Food Sources, Biological Activity, and Health Benefits. Nova Science.
- Zafari, A. Maziar (Medicine), Theodor Klotz, and Michael Schupp, Internal Medicine in Questions and Answers. 9th edition. Elsevier GmbH.