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International Law Basics

International Law Research Guides

Use research guides to identify databases, websites, treatises, and other subject sources for your research. There are numerous specialized legal research guides on international law research. Some research guides include definitions and explanations, others are just a list with links. You can find links to legal resources and databases, but you will need an Emory login (or in some cases, an individual Westlaw or Lexis password) for subscription databases.

Emory Research Guides:

Emory Law Library Research Guides include guides on the European Union, International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights Advocacy, Human Rights Jurisprudence, International Environmental law, Institutions and Growth, the United Nations, and legal research for SJD students.

Emory University Library Research Guides by subject include International, Political Science, and various regional studies.

Other Research Guides:

NYU GlobaLex International Law Guides

Peace Palace Library Research Guides

Guide to International Legal Research on Lexis

NYU Law Library Research Guides

Georgetown Law Library Research Guides on Foreign & International Law

University of Minnesota Law Library Research Guides

University of Oxford Bodleian Libraries Guides to Public International Law



Duke Law Library International Legal Research Tutorial

CALI Lessons on International Law include CISG Basics, Climate Change, Copyright and Trademark, Customary International Law, European Union, International Court of Justice, and Intergovernmental Organizations.

Print Resources in Reserves:


International Law Terminology

International Law and international organizations use specialized terminology and acronyms. You may need definitions and explanations as you do your research.

International Law Dictionaries and Glossaries:

Parry & Grant's Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law in the Oxford Reference Library database

Doebbler's Dictionary of Public International Law on ProQuest Ebook Central 

Fox's Dictionary of International & Comparative Law (Law Library Reference Desk KZ1161 .F69 2003)

Brownlie's Principles of Public International Law includes a Glossary (on Oxford Public International Law)

Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law include definitions and defining documents with articles

United Nations Terminology:

United Nations Treaty Reference Guide and Glossary: Terms relating to treaty actions

UNTERM: United Nations Terminology Database. Official terminology relevant to the work of the United Nations, in the six official UN languages

UN Dag Hammarskjold Library Research Guide: Links to terminology resources

Specialized Areas of International Law:

EUR-Lex Glossary of Summaries: Terms in the EUR-Lex Summaries of EU Legislation, with links to legislation

World Trade Organization Glossary: Terminology from the WTO, some with links to WTO pages for more information

US Trade Representative: Glossary of Trade Terms

ICRC Glossary of Terms Used in Humanitarian Law

The Economist: A to Z of International Relations

eDiplomat: Glossary of Diplomatic Terms

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