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HLTH 381W: Health Writing and Narratives

Structure of a newspaper article

News Writing Inverted Pyramid

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  • Headline - grabs the reader’s attention while successfully summarizing the main message of the article.
  • Byline - tells the reader who the article is by, what their role is, and date of publication/submission.
  • Lead - further entices the reader and gives insight into the story. By reading it, the audience should be able to understand exactly what the article is about and what is being reported.
    • Includes the Five Ws and H - who, what, where, when, why, how?
  • Body - includes more detail about what was said in the lead section. Contains important information about what happened, including any supporting evidence and references, quotations, and/or statements from people relevant to the story.
  • Tail - summary of events; conclusion which relates back to the original point of the article.