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Finding an Article From a Citation

How to find an article when you have its citation.

Getting to eJournals

My first step is to head to the library homepage. I know that I’m looking in a journal, so I’m going to follow the link for eJournals. You can find this by scrolling down to Resource Tools on the library homepage

Image of research tools section on library homepage with E journal access tile highlighted


Looking Up a Journal

I know the title of the journal I’m looking for, so I enter it into the search bar.

landing page for journal search focused on search bar

The journal I am looking for should be the first result. I need to use the Connect button to access it. 

Search Results with arrow pointed to connect button

The journal is popular and is hosted in several places. Think of this like a show being on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc. I just need to choose where I am going to view it. I can see that one site only has the journal issues through 2019, and another doesn’t have the most recent 3 years. I’ll pick American Economic Association (AEA) and click on its link, because it doesn’t have any restrictions.

5 Access links for American Economic Journal with  American Economic Association link circled

What's my next step? On the AEA website, I will be able to find the article I'm looking for.