My NCBI is a tool that retains user information and database preferences to provide customized services for many NCBI databases. It allows you to save searches, select display formats, filtering options, and set up automatic searches that are sent by e-mail. My NCBI includes additional features that allow for setting up preferences for displaying and filtering search results, highlighting search terms and setting LinkOut, Outside Tool and Document Delivery preferences.
My Bibliography (part of MyNCBI) is a tool that allows you to save your citations from PubMed, or citations entered manually, to a single list that if you wish, can be shared via download or a publicly accessible link. When creating a NIH Biosketch using the SciENcv tool, you can easily add the public link to this bibliography. The My Bibliography tool also allows you to monitor your NIH Public Access policy compliance.
My Bibliography allows you to save references to your own publications in a bibliography. There are two ways to create a bibliography. The first is to add citations directly from PubMed and the second is to add citations manually.
Adding Citations from PubMed
Adding Citations Not Found in PubMed
Link your bibliography to your eRA Commons account in order to see if your publications are in compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy.
Connecting your My Bibliography to your eRA Commons account will allow you to see whether your publications comply with the NIH Public Access Policy. It will also populate the Research Support section of your Biosketch.
To connect your MyNCBI and eRA Commons accounts:
Please note - Even if you log on to MyNCBI with your eRA Commons username and password, you may still have to link your eRA Commons account to your MyNCBI account.
In NCBI, click on Manage My Bibliography. Where it says at the top - "This Bibliography is private" - click on "make it public" to make it public.
Tell them:
In My NCBI, you can assign others as delegates, giving them permission to edit your My Bibliography and SciENcv profiles.
To add a delegate, go to your NCBI Account Settings page by clicking on your username in the top right corner of the page. There is a section for managing your delegates. Click Add a Delegate and enter the email address of the person you would like to give access to. Once they have accepted the delegate role for your account, you can assign them access to your My Bibliography and/or your SciENcv profiles.