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COURSE GUIDE TO CHN 404: Contemporary Chinese Fiction in the Original

This Guide is created for the class of CHN 404: Contemporary Chinese Literature. It includes research methods for finding related books, journals and other resources for class papers and projects.



1.《海姆立克急救》作者:铁凝, 原载《江南》2011年第3期

2. 《澡堂》作者:莫言, 原载《小说界》2011年第6期

3. 《寻找卫华姐》作者:范小青, 原载《北京文学》2011年第7期

4. 《十七英里》作者:吴君, 原载《人民文学》2011年第6期

5. 《杀猪的女兵》作者:马晓丽, 原载《作家》2011年第7期


1. 《1911》作者:王树增, 原载《当代》2011年第4期

2. 《让百姓作主——浙江省琴坛村罢免村主任纪事》 作者:朱晓军 李英, 原载《北京文学》2011年第4期

3. 《代价——信阳事件沉思录》作者:张向持, 原载《中国作家·纪实》2011年第11期

4. 《生死土地》作者:陈廷一, 原载《时代报告·中国报告文学》2011年第10期

5. 《啼血试验——朱清时和他的南科大命运》作者:刘元举, 原载《北京文学》2011年第9期

Locating Books


Library Search provides access to the Emory Libraries catalog, Articles+ and other search tools.

Library Search  is the main search interface for locating items in Emory's libraries and digital repositories.  It also offers an article tab where you can search several databases at once for journal articles.  It will display your search results in Chinese wen you search Chinese materials, for example, if you would like to find materials on contemporary Chinese Literature, simply type:


It will display all the materials that we have in Chinese on that topic.

Getting Books Emory does Not Own


WorldCat is a online library catalog from all over the world. 

 Interlibrary Loan

If we do not own a book that you need, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan -- a free service. We will borrow a copy for you from another library. It usually take about two weeks to get an interlibrary loan item delivered to us, so please start earlier.  If you request a journal article through interlibrary loan, it usually come through your email.


Subject Guide

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Guo-Hua Wang
Subjects: Linguistics