Use discoverE to find books, journals, videos, government documents, microfilm collections and other materials at the Emory libraries, which include Woodruff, Pitts Theology, Health Sciences Center, McMillan Law, Guy Chemistry, Math & Science Center and, Oxford libraries.
Helpful Search Terms for Rose Library Collections:
"African American Author"
"African American Illustrator"
"African American Pamphlet"
"African American Publisher"
This guide identifies collections related to African American fraternities and sororities. The Rose Library at Emory University houses a diverse body of primary sources associated with the African American experience, from literature and history to politics and popular culture. These include an extensive collection of correspondence, literary manuscripts, photographs, and ephemeral material as well as rare books, periodicals, pamphlets, and other printed matter.
The guide serves as a preliminary research tool, providing a brief description of holdings related to African American fraternities and sororities with basic information on size, inclusive dates, types of records, and broad subject areas. More detailed descriptions of the sources listed below are available in Rose Library and through DiscoverE, the Emory Libraries’ online catalog. DiscoverE contains bibliographic records for the majority of the manuscript collections held in Rose Library as well as books and other printed material available at Emory University. The online catalog is available at Finding aids for these sources are also available through Rose Library's Web site at Please note that some collections may not yet have finding aids available.