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Course Guide to Introduction to East Asian Studies

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Locating Books

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Visit the Library Search gateway to start your catalog search.

Getting Books Emory does Not Own


Interlibrary Loan

If we do not own a book that you need, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan -- a free service. We will borrow a copy for you from another library. The first time you logon you will need to register. If you need help with this service, contact a reference librarian.


Interlibrary Use

You can check out books from Georgia Tech, Georgia State, and the University of Georgia with your Emory ID card. These institutions may have the materials you need for your research.  You may be able to checkout books from other local college/university libraries, as well.  An interlibrary use card may be required; these are available at the

Subject Guide

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Guo-Hua Wang