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Grants, Foundations, and Scholarships

Guide to research grants, fellowships, and scholarships

Directories & Guides

In addition to the many databases and internet resources focusing on grants, foundation, and scholarships, many print guides also are available, including:

Annual Register of Grant Support
Woodruff Reference  Desk LB2338 .A9 2013
Covers a broad range of interests - academic and scientific research, project development, travel and exchange programs, and publication support - in eleven major areas, including the Humanities, Education, and Life Sciences. Grant descriptions contain: type, purpose, duration, amount of funding, eligibility requirements, geographic restrictions, and contact information. Also includes subject, geographic, personnel, organization, and program indices.

Corporate Giving Directory
34th Edition 2012
Reference HV97 .A3 T29

Useful for finding and securing charitable support, this directory provides detailed descriptions of the top 1000 corporate giving programs in the U.S. Coverage includes information on non-monetary and corporate sponsorship programs, matching gift and corporate volunteer programs, as well as traditional cash awards.

Foundation Directory Online (formerly known as the Foundation Directory)
List of information on finances, governance, and giving interests of the nation's 10,000 largest grant-making foundations. The information is listed alphabetically by state. Seven additional indices provide easy access by: 1) donors, officers, and trustees; 2) by state and city; 3) by international giving; 4) by type of support; 5) by subject; 6) by foundation name; and 7) by foundations new to the edition. Emory now subscribes to this Directory online;  it  is not open to the general public.

Foundation Grants to Individuals
19th ed. 2010
Reference AS911 .A2 F63

A comprehensive list of more than 5,000 active private foundations and public charities in the United States that provide financial assistance to individuals, not organizations. Funding opportunities listed: scholarships, student loans, fellowships, travel internships, residencies, arts and cultural projects, research, and general welfare. Arranged in three categories: educational support, general welfare, and arts and culture. Entries contain: contact information, restrictions of grants (if any), financial information, application and grant information. Includes indices by geographic location, company name, specific schools, types of support, subject, and foundation name.

Giving USA
Reference HV98 .G5 2009
The annual yearbook of philanthropy, released each spring by the AAFRC Trust for Philanthropy, estimates total giving in the prior calendar year by four sources: individual donors; bequests; foundation grants; and corporate giving. It also presents estimated distribution of charitable giving across eight sub-sectors: religion, education, health, human services, arts, public/society benefit, the environment, and international affairs. The text considers thirty-year trends in giving and presents research findings from other studies about philanthropic giving in the U.S.

Grant Seeker's Guide
Reference HV97 .A3 G73 2005
Gives information on foundations that support social and economic justice, for smaller, less-established organizations. Includes indices by field of interest, geographic preferences, size of grants, number of grants, and contact information.

The Grants Register
Reference LB2338 .G7 2012
This annual guide to post-graduate funding worldwide contains information on more than 3000 awards from 48 countries. Details given are: subject area, eligibility, purpose, type, numbers offered, frequency, value, length of study, study establishment, country of study, application procedure, and contact information. Also includes a subject and eligibility guide and indices of awards, discontinued awards, and awarding organizations.

Guide to U.S. Foundations, their Trustees, Officers, and Donors
Reference AS911 .A2 F64 2007 (3 volumes)
The best, most comprehensive listing of 66,996 active grantmaking foundations. Indices cover 1) trustees, officers, and donors, 2) foundation name index and locator, and 3) community foundation name index. Also contains appendices listing foundations not included in the guide, and the reasons why.


GuideStar provides data on a large number of non-profits in the United States. The searchable data GuideStar provides includes revenue, organizational overview, annual reports, lists of officers and other key personnel, and access to IRS 990s.

The Europa International Foundation Directory
21st ed. 2012
Reference HV7 .I56
This directory overs foundations, trusts, charities, and other non-governmental organizations. Includes essays on foundations in a global context and how to approach these organizations, and indices by organizations, their main activities, and by geography.

National Directory of Corporate Giving
Reference HG4028 .C6 .N374 2005
Provides up-to-date information on more than 4,100 corporate philanthropic programs and grantmakers. Includes detailed information on corporate foundations and direct giving programs, types of support awarded, and application guidelines.

Peterson's Guides to Higher Education online resource -- see SCHOLARSHIPS SEARCH for information on scholarships and grants.

Peterson's Scholarships, Grants, & Prizes
Reference LB2337.4 .P475 2005
Lists some $7 billion in scholarships, including Federal and State aid sources. Searchable by academic program, school size, region, student body and campus life, among other variables. Based on this print guide, Peterson's has launched a web-based Scholarship Search service which is free but requires that you register before searching.

Scholarships, Fellowships and Loans -- Gale Virtual Reference Library
This searchable eBook provides more than 4,200 sources of education-related financial aid and awards at all levels of study. Includes a section on federal financial aid that features a quick summary of programs sponsored by the federal government. Also includes a state-by-state listing of agencies that users can contact in their home state.

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