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Collins English-Italian, Italian-English dictionary. (1995)
Reference PC1640 .C624 1995
A standard dictionary.
DII Dizionario: Inglese-Italiano, Italiano-Inglese. (2001)
Reference PC1640 .D18 2001
A standard dictionary.
Dizionario degli Autori Italiani del Secondo Novecento. (2002)
PQ4057 .B76 2002
Dizionario della Lingua Italiana. (2002)
Reference PC1625 .D38 2002
An Italian dictionary that includes a CD-ROM.
Grande Dizionario della Lingua Italiana. (1961- )
Reference PC1625 .B3
The publication of this comprehensive dictionary began in 1961 and is not yet complete.
New International Webster's Italian and English Dictionary. (1997)
PC1640 .M54 1997
A revised version of: The Bantam New College Italian and English Dictionary, originally published in 1976.
Vocabulario della Lingua Italiana.
Reference PC1625 .V53 1986
Another useful dictionary whose publication is not yet complete.
Vocabulario Treccani.
Reference PC1625 .V53 1997
This dictionary is accomplished by a CD-ROM.
Zanichelli New College Italian and English Dictionary. (1996)
Reference PC1640 .R266 1996
An updated version of: Il Nuovo Ragazzini/Biagi Concise Dizionario Inglese e Italiano, originally published in 1986.
Dizionario Enciclopedico Italiano. (1955 to 1961)
Reference AE35 .D5
Italian Prose Writers, 1900-1945. (2002)
PQ4057 .I734 2002
A bio-bibliography of Italian writers.