Emory's Special Collections, including the Oxford College Library Archives and Special Collections, Pitts Theology Library, Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library Historical Collections, Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library Historical Collections, and the Hugh F. MacMillan Law Library have identified archival collections and secondary source materials that document and contextualize the University's involvement with slavery. This resource guide is a starting point and will be expanded as more materials are identified.
The hope is that this research guide will provide context and serve as an invitation to our broader community to engage the historic documents to ask hard questions. Engagement with the guide, and the collections and digitized materials will, we hope, prompt discussion and discovery of additional stories and historic materials.
If you have archival materials that you wish to share with others, please reach out to Emory's archivists. If you have stories that you would like to share as an oral history, please reach out to the Emory Oral History Program.
The library recognizes the contributions of many archivists and historians who have identified documents that provide evidence the embeddedness of slavery in the University's history.