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Stay Connected & Take Advantage of Resources from the Libraries

Tips and refreshers about resources that Emory Libraries make available to campus

Emory Proxy Resolver Bookmarklet

Regardless of which browser you use, we have a bookmarklet you can add to your browser that allows you to request items through the Emory proxy server. Unlike LibKey Nomad, it doesn't identify which articles are available using Emory's databases, but if an article's web page suggests you need to pay for the article, and you want to check to see if it's available here for free, clicking the bookmarklet link will make your browser look for the article through our system. If you haven't already logged in before you started your research, you'll probably be asked to do so when you click the bookmarklet.

If you'd like to install it on your browser, here's what to do:

  1. Drag the Emory Proxy Resolver button to your bookmarks toolbar. If you don't have your browser's bookmarks bar enabled, you will need to enable it if you intend to use this method.
  2. When you need to load a journal article from off campus, click the bookmark. It should route the page through EZProxy and give you access.

Emory Proxy Resolver

If you are using a mobile device (phone, tablet, etc.) or are having issues dragging and dropping the bookmarklet button to your browser's bookmarks bar, you can create your own bookmarklet manually. The exact method varies by device and browser. In general, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the JavaScript below:
  2. Bookmark this page
  3. Edit the bookmark so that the name is memorable and the URL is the JavaScript copied in step [1]

When you are on a page that requires authentication, selecting the saved bookmark will initiate the authentication process.



If we don't have access to it, you can try to acquire it another way: