Faulty members and scholars can register for an ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier) - a unique, open, digital identifier. Each scholar's ORCID iD is a distinct alpha numeric code that helps ensure scholarly work can be attributed exclusively to a single individual. Having an ORCID iD allows you to claim and consolidate your scholarly efforts and affiliations.
Benefits of having an ORCID iD:
Learn more about ORCID
ORCID offers instructional videos on setting up your ORCID iD, resetting your password, what to do if you lose your credentials, adding information to your profile, and more:
Registering for an ORCID iD is easy (and free) to Emory University School of Law faculty, scholars, and students. To obtain an ORCID iD and create an ORCID profile, go to https://orcid.emory.edu and follow the prompts. Once you have an ORCID iD and profile, you can add information about your publications, your educational background, your work experience, etc., and you have the option of making your profile public or private.
We recommend making Emory a Trusted Organization in your profile to save time when preparing funding proposals, renewals, or progress reports. To make Emory a Trusted Organization, go to https://guides.libraries.emory.edu/orcid/getid and follow the prompts.
To give another individual, such as a Research Assistant, access to your ORCID account, so they can make edits and add information to your profile, follow these steps:
Obtaining an ORCID iD is just the beginning. Here are some tips for leveraging your ORCID iD to maximize your scholarship exposure and leverage ORCID iD benefits.
Maximize the functionality within your ORCID iD account:
Using your ORCID iD moving forward: