The first step in identifying primary source material is to read the bibliographies and scan the footnotes in secondary works on your subject. Read also the preface and acknowledgments: authors often identify particularly useful works, libraries, or archives there.
Some of the types of materials you will use as primary sources are:
1. Newspaper and journal articles written at the time of the events.
2. Personal records, memoirs and diary accounts written by those who witnessed or who participated in the events.
3. Records and publications of governments or governmental agencies involved in the events.
The online version of the Forward. Includes links to other Jewish periodicals (click on Media Links). Founded in 1897 as the Yiddish-language Jewish Daily Forward (or Forverts in Yiddish), today this weekly publication serves an English speaking audience. Complete backfile available on Microfilm 4067. 1994 to the present included in Ethnic NewsWatch.
Palestine Post/Jerusalem Post backfile 1932-1988
Issues from 1933 to 1988 are also available on microfilm (MICFILM 3532) in the Woodruff Library.
Jerusalem Post
Online edition of the daily newspaper, with an archive of the past year's issues.
Issues from 1989 to the present are available on Newsbank Access World News
Includes The American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger (1857-1922), The American Israelite (1854-2000), The Jerusalem Post (1932-2008), The Jewish Advocate (1905-1990), The Jewish Exponent (1887-1990). They can be searched individually or together.
Historical Jewish Press
This site contains a collection of Jewish newspapers published in various countries, languages, and time periods. We display digital versions of each newspaper, making it possible to view the papers in their original layout. Full-text search is also available for all content published over the course of each newspaper’s publication.
Christian Science Monitor -- Historical (1908-2008)
New York Times Historical (1851-2018)
Times Digital Archive (1785-2019) Displays the fully searchable complete text of every issue of the newspaper. Searches can be done on keyword, adverstisements, editorials, people and photographs.
Sunday Times Digital Archive, 1822-2016