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To search for articles in the WSJ
In the search box, type:
Sn=wall street journal and your keywords
Example: sn=wall street journal and 2016 political debates
To scan WSJ articles from most recent 2 weeks
Click News Pages, click Group Pages. You will see the current day’s WSJ articles appear; pull down the date option and you have the most recent 2 weeks of articles.
Factiva contains many articles from the Atlanta Business Chronicle.
Follow these steps:
1. Click the arrow to left of All Sources to open a search box
2. In the search box, type: Atlanta Business Chronicle
3. Click Atlanta Business Chronicle (Ga); it will appear in orange
4. In the search box, type again: Atlanta Business Chronicle
5. Click Atlanta Business Chronicle Online; it will appear in orange
NOTE: make sure that there is an OR between the two sources
Date: adjust as needed
Type keywords in the larger search box
Desktop access to The Economist magazine's weekly print edition and additional content, including special reports, unique to the website.
For help using this resource, contact Chris Palazzolo, Political Science and International Documents Librarian.
Offers English translations of news originally published in other languages culled from articles, broadcasts, online sources, and more.
Compiled from thousands of non-U.S. media sources, the information in WNC covers socioeconomic, political, scientific, technical, and environmental issues and events.