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MESAS 490 Mysticism, Magic, and Mystery in the Middle East and North Africa (Main)

Popular databases

Key Databases

Key E-Book Resources and Collections


Note that individual records for all the collections below are currently in Library Search. For more information and advice regarding downloading e-book content, managing digital rights management, and use of e-books, please see the other tabs of this guide!

Publisher Collections Avallable Access
American Chemical Society Up to most recent year Read online, chapter downloads.
ACLS Humanities E-Books Online collection of over 5,400 books of high quality in the humanities and related social sciences Chapter downloads, can read online as well.


Complete Brill corpus available, EBA model with purchases made at the end of the subscription year. Full title downloads
Cambridge University Press All Cambridge titles and partner press e-books. Evidence-based collection. Currently content remains stable, and no titles removed. Includes some university partners (e.g., Edinburgh, Bristol, Amsterdam, Manchester) Full download of titles.
Credo Reference works across disciplines Individual reference entries searchable and downloadable
De Gruyter Selected frontlist titles (2020-present); also includes some university press titles. 2024-present titles from University of Hawaii and Harvard University Press. Full title downloads
Digitalia Spanish-language e-book collection. DRM required. DRM. Adobe Digital Editions required. For more see the ebook FAQs on Digitalia
Duke University Press Frontlist 2020-forward Chapter downloads; limit to titles that are free, open access, or available
EBSCOhost ebooks EBSCO's Academic Book Collection. Provided through GALILEO membership. DRM, most titles multi-user, some limited to read-only or limited number of users. Restrictions on printing and downloading. Require Adobe Digital Editions. For more see the ebook FAQs on Ebsco
Elsevier Science Direct Titles Selected new books (frontlist content), as well as most Handbooks. Full download of titles.
Gale Virtual Reference Library E-versions of Gale reference works. Chapter downloads as PDF. No additional software required. Notes and highlights can be emailed. Can send to Google drive or Microsoft OneDrive. 
Institute of Physics (IOP) Up to most recent year Read online, chapter downloads, complete download.


Selected university press content primarily, select "books" in advanced search, complete backlist for most, but not all is available as a pilot). See note about accessing titles that are not currently available via JSTOR. Chapter downloads. For more details, see the ebook FAQs on JSTOR.
MIT Press Front list is open access; term access to backlist content. Recently purchased trade publications also available. Chapter downloads
ProQuest/Ebrary Academic Library Complete Collection  Individually purchased books, along with access to the GALILEO-provided Academic Library Complete Collections from EBSCO and ProQuest DRM, most titles multi-user, some limited to read-only or limited number of users. Restrictions on printing and downloading. Require Adobe Digital Editions. For more see the ebook FAQs on Proquest/EBL/Ebrary
Oxford Scholarship Online  Most all titles on the platform. Evidence-Based Collection Chapter downloads only, but can stitch chapters to create unified title.
Oxford Bibliographies, Handbooks and Research Encyclopedias  Great resources across a variety of subject areas for overviews, surveys, and critical introductions to the literature. Emory has access to most of subject areas. Chapter downloads only. HTML includes more options for linking out to other content.
Oxford University Press Provides access to individual titles published by OUP. Access is by individual title only and best located via Library Search.  Access varies from 1 user and some access restrictions to unlimited use and no access restrictions. Does not require additional software or extra accounts. Can download as PDFs or view as html.
Sage Research Methods Research methods texts from Sage. Titles available in HTML and PDFs. HTML include page numbers for better citation.
Sage Reference All titles on the Sage Knowledge platform. Methods and Social Sciences. Subscription/evidence-based model. Titles available in HTML and PDFs. HTML include page numbers for better citation.
Springer E-Book Collections ( Materials Science and Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering, and Computer Science). Four year moving wall content for Mathematics and Statistics, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, and Social Sciences.  Full title download available
OAPEN Open Access titles available for download from a variety of publishers and sources. Full title downloads available.
O'Reilly (Safari)  Also referred to as O'Reilly for Higher Education previously known as Safari ebooks. Technical, business and computer science titles See detailed FAQs for how to download and save. 
Routledge Most recent four years of Routledge content. Full download of titles.
Routledge Handbooks  All Routledge Handbooks, full title downloads, on subscription. Full title downloads available.
Project Muse  2010-2013 university press content Full book downloads as of 2024.
Overdrive Selected contemporary titles 1 user downloads (check-outs) only. Not ideal for Reserves.
Taylor & Francis Books purchased directly from the publisher including Taylor & Francis, Routledge, Chapman & Hall. These books are without DRM restrictions.  You can view via many browsers or download chapters as PDFs. 
University of Michigan Current year and term backlist Chapter downloads
Wiley Social Sciences, Humanities, and Physical Sciences content Full text and chapter downloads