Stanford Open Policing Project
Focus is on accountability of law enforcement in addition to transparency. From NYU School of Law.
National Association for Civilian Oversight in Law Enforcement
NACOLE is a non-profit organization that works to enhance accountability and transparency in policing and build community trust through civilian oversight.
Excellent center at NYU Law focusing on accountability in policing. As the center states, its mission is to "partner with communities and police tom promote public safety through transparency, equity and democratic engagement."
Police Executive Research Forum
Founded in 1976 as a nonprofit organization, the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) is a police research and policy organization and a provider of management services, technical assistance, and executive-level education to support law enforcement agencies. PERF helps to improve the delivery of police services through the exercise of strong national leadership; public debate of police and criminal justice issues; and research and policy development.
Police Foundation Data Initiative
This site provides a consolidated and interactive listing of open and soon-to-be-opened data sets that more than 130 local law enforcement agencies have identified as important to their communities, and provides critical and timely resources, including technical guidance and best practices, success stories, how-to articles and links to related efforts.
The Politics of Policing Lab (PoPL) at Emory University cultivates, produces, and supports research about contemporary policing.
Growing compilation of public policy
publications from relevant think tanks, institutes and centers. Focus is on social policy and both qualitative and quantitative approaches to evaluating policy are highlighted.
Harvard Custom Think Tank Search
Not very precise, but does allow a broad search across policy group publications.
Somewhat dated, and difficult to search, but full text of policy papers and reports. A digital archive of global, non-partisan public policy research. Collects and disseminate summaries and full texts, videos, reports, briefs, and multimedia material of think tank, university, government, and foundation-funded policy research
National Bureau of Economic Research
Current and historical; NBER is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of how the economy works. Provides data sets about macroeconomics, industry, international trade, individual income and expenditure data, etc. Also includes working paper series. Many of these papers focus on the economic implications (intended and unintended) of various public policies.
Excellent research, data, and analysis on a wide variety of socioeconomic issues. Full-text reports available and searchable via their website.