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FILM 485 French New Wave (Holland)

Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive

Media History Digital Library: Finding Articles

The Media History Digital Library is a research portal that provides free and open access to digitized copies of newspapers, magazines, and other materials related to film and media studies. For this course and the time period you are studying, the two most relevant collections for your time period are:

They contain publications that you can use to study topics such as:

  • how a film was received within film industry trade publications;
  • the distribution of French films in the U.S.;
  • developments within the French film industry as reported in trade publications such as Variety; and
  • the representation of film starts in fan magazines.



Using the Lantern search box on top, you can use keywords to find relevant articles:



You can refine your results by using the filters on the left. On the right, you can sort the results in different ways, such as "Date (Old to New)."




In order to access the article, click on one of the two "Read in Context" options:



This will take you to the Internet Archive interface. From there you can browse through the digitized newspaper or magazine issue to read the article. Here is the direct link to the article that I am using as an example, so that you can follow along.


Citing MHDL Articles

For this tutorial, please follow along by clicking this link to access the article in the Internet Archive. As is often the case with magazine articles in the Internet Archive, you need to browse back a number of pages through the issue to get to the actual beginning of the article.

As you can see, this article is entitled “My Brigitte” and was written by Sacha Distel, who was romantically involved with Bardot at the time. However, you will need the full citation information.

For magazines, essential components include:

  • Author
  • Article title
  • Magazine title
  • Issue volume and number (or simply issue month, if the volume is not given)
  • Full page range - not just the page number you are citing.


When browsing the article, you can usually find the page numbers on the bottom corners of the pages. Not every page may be numbered, so you may need to flip through the magazine to determine the correct page numbers for the article you want.

As you can see, the last page of the article is 76.



You will also have to look at the actual magazine to determine which issue it is located in. On the top left of the above image you can see "Modern Screen (Feb-Dec 1959)." This indicates the entire volume - DO NOT USE IT FOR YOUR CITATION! Multiple issues have been bound together and were scanned as a single document for the Internet Archive.

You should browse backwards through the magazine issue to find the table of contents, which will provide the rest of the information you need for your citation. Typically the table of contents is located in the first few pages of an issue.


Working from the table of contents page above, here is the correct MLA works cited entry for this magazine article:

Distel, Sacha and George Christy. “My Brigitte.” Modern Screen, Feb. 1959, p.42+.

The plus sign after p.42 indicates that the article has discontinuous pagination, meaning it is spread through more than one section of the magazine. (The actual page numbers are pp.42-43 and 75-76.) It is common for longer magazine article to have discontinuous pagination like this. If the article is only located in one part of the magazine, then cite the page range normally, such as pp.42-43.

Not every article you find will be as straightforward to cite. Please consult the full MLA Handbook, and feel free to ask for additional help!