Health Sciences Faculty Book Authors from the Feast of Words Celebration 2019.
This year's highlights include 18 titles from 19 individual Health Sciences Faculty authors and editors.
For a full list of Emory University 2019 Authors view the Center for Faculty Development and Excellence event page.
- Barrow, Daniel L. (Medicine) and Bernard R. Bendok, eds. Essential Neurosurgery for Medical Students. Oxford UP.
- Biousse, Valerie (Ophthalmology and Neurology) and Nancy J. Newman (Ophthalmology and Neurology). Neuro-Ophthalmology Illustrated. 3rd edition. Thieme.
- Clements, Stephen (Cardiology). The Digital Echo Atlas: A Multimedia Reference. Wolters Kluwer.
- Cooper, Hannah (Behavioral Sciences/Health Education) and Mindy Fullilove. From Enforcers to Guardians: A Public Health Primer on Ending Police Violence. Johns Hopkins UP.
- Factor, Stewart (Neurology) and Stephen G. Reich, eds. Therapy of Movement Disorders: A Case-Based Approach. Humana.
- Goodman, Richard (Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology) and Sonja A. Rasmussen, eds. The CDC Field Epidemiology Manual. Oxford UP.
- Jain, Lucky (Pediatrics) and Gautham K. Suresh. Clinical Guidelines in Neonatology. McGraw-Hill.
- Johnson, Jamlik-Omari (Medicine). Emergency Imaging: Case Review Series. Elsevier.
- Kozarsky, Phyllis (Infectious Diseases), ed. Health Information for International Travel 2020. Oxford.
- Kuhar, Michael (Yerkes). Research Ethics in the Life Sciences. KDP/Amazon.
- Lucchesi, John (Biology, emeritus). Epigenetics, Nuclear Organization and Gene Function. Oxford UP.
- Refai, Daniel (Neurosurgery), Jonathan S. Citow, R. Loch Macdonald, Ross C. Puffer, Sayed Khalid, Bob Carter, Alan Cohen, and Robert Spinner. Comprehensive Neurosurgery Board Review. 3rd edition. Thieme.
- Schneider, Jason (Medicine), Vincent B. Silenzio, and Laura Erickson-Schroth, eds. The GLMA Handbook on LGBT Health. Praeger/ABC-CLIO.
- Shayne, Philip (Emergency Medicine), Jeffrey Schaider, Roger Barkin, Stephen Hayden, Richard Wolfe, and Adam Barkin, eds. Rosen & Barkin’s 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult. 6th edition. Wolters Kluwer.
- Wei, Ling (Anesthesiology), Jun Chen, Jian Wang, and John H. Zhang, eds. Therapeutic Intranasal Delivery for Stroke and Neurological Disorders. Springer.
- Wise, Sarah K. (Otolaryngology), Christine B Franzese, Cecelia C. Damask, and Matthew W. Ryan. Handbook of Otolaryngic Allergy. Thieme.
- Wojno, Ted (Ophthalmology) and Foad Nahai. Problems in Periorbital Surgery: A Repair Manual. Thieme.
- Wolff-King, Sally (Medicine). To the Ultimate Good: A History of the Emory Clinic, Early Years through 1994. Bookhouse Group.