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Emory Libraries Research Skills Workshops

Develop your research, digital literacy, and information literacy skills with workshops and resources at the Emory Libraries

Emory Libraries Workshop Overview

Welcome! The Emory Libraries offer a series of skill-building workshops for students. These workshops are designed to help you develop  transferable research skills, digital literacy, and information literacy skills and to empower you to succeed during your time here at Emory and in your future endeavors. Our workshops are offered each semester and many have both synchronous and asynchronous options.

Use this guide to explore our workshop offerings, find associated resources and materials and opportunities to learn more.

Library Workshop Flyer

Workshop Programming Goals and Outcomes

While each of our workshops has unique outcomes and areas of focus, our workshop offerings also share some common goals.

Workshop Outcomes

After attending a library workshop, you will be able to

  1. Identify transferable skills that you can use during your time here at Emory and in your future endeavors
  2. Conduct research more efficiently and effectively
  3. Critically analyze different information and media systems
  4. Use different tools to conduct research and communicate your ideas with different audiences

Our workshops focus on the following skill areas

Research Skills 

Learn how to conduct and manage research projects. You'll learn ways to find, critically analyze, use, and synthesize information for different research projects.

Media Literacy Skills

Become a savvier consumer and producer of different kinds of digital media. You will learn how to use and critically evaluate different digital tools and different types of digital media.

Digital Literacy Skills

Become an informed and confident user of different digital tools and technologies. Learn how to find, create, and share digital content and to understand and use a wide variety of digital tools in communicative and collaborative ways.

Communication Skills

Learn different strategies to improve your communication skills, including ways to communicate with different audiences using different tools.

Data Literacy Skills

Learn how to critically evaluate and use data in your research.

Library Instruction Program

The Emory Libraries Instruction Program focuses on the following goals and outcomes to help empower students to discover, explore, and share their ideas.

Discover and Explore

  • Develop a research strategy that involves asking questions, articulating a topic, and utilizing keywords to find and discover relevant information
  •  Explore the ways in which information is created and produced and the power structures and systems that shape those production processes.

Inquire and Investigate

  • Critically evaluate different sources of information to determine the credibility of a source and the use of a source within the context of a given research project or need.
  • Examine different media ecosystems and the role of an individual media consumer, producer, and digital citizen in those ecosystems.

Experience and Grow

  • Create and use information ethically to participate in scholarly conversations and in different media and information ecosystems.