Spanish Language PC4001 - PC4977
Portuguese Language PC5001 - PC5498
Philology. Linguistics P1 - P1091*
*This includes general, computational linguistics, linguistic theory, semantics, lexicology, comparative grammar, etc.
Library Search is Emory's main search tool to find books, journals, videos, government documents, microfilm collections and other materials.
Library Search User Guide The user guide provides hints for searching the Emory Libraries Catalog.
When you find a good book on your topic, click on the subject headings assigned to that book in Library Search to find other titles on that topic. Or, use the subject heading terms in a new search.
Keyword Search: Use keyword searching on a single term or to combine concepts (X AND Y) and to search for particular words or phrases that might appear in titles or notes or subjects:
Subject Search In the library catalog, books, videos and other materials are assigned Library of Congress (LC) subject headings based on their content. If you find a book that looks useful go into the record for that book and look at the subject headings used to describe the book -- click on any of them -- these are hyperlinks that will take you to a list of books with that particular subject heading that we have at Emory. Here is a sample list of relevant subject headings for this course.
Anaphora (Linguistics)
Speech acts (Linguistics)