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CPLT 101 - "Rhetoric, Pedagogy, Theory"

This guide is designed to introduce student in Professor Imani's Fall 2024 Semester to Library resources.

Critical Reading Strategies

These Critical Readings Questions were created by Becky Reed, Director of the University of Washington Bothell Writing Center

1.  What question/problem is posed by the author?

  • How does that problem/question relate to and/or differ from the problem you're posing in your research project?

2.  Thesis/position/argument

  • What is the primary argument made by the author?

  • Where do you first find the argument?

  • What language indicates to you that this is the primary argument?

3.  Context

  • Why is the argument significant?

  • What other positions does the author indicate are debated regarding the topic?

  • When was the article written?  Where was it published?  Who was the intended audience?

4.  Evidence

  • What evidence does the author offer in support of the position put forth?  (Identify all pieces of evidence you find.)

  • What is the nature of each supporting evidence?  For example, is it based on empirical research, ethical consideration, common knowledge, anecdote?

  • How convincing is the evidence?  For example, does the research design adequately address the question posed (#1 above)?  Are the ethical considerations adequately explored and assessed?  Have you read/heard anything on this subject that confirms or challenges the evidence?

5.  Counter arguments

  • What arguments made in opposition to the author's views were described?

  • Were these arguments persuasively refuted?

  • What evidence was used in the refutation?

6.  Effectiveness

  • What were the strengths of the article?

  • Were you able to follow the moves of the article from thesis to evidence?

  • Did the structure of sentences and paragraphs and the overall organization guide you and help you follow the author's intent?

  • Did all the material seem relevant to the points made?