Factiva is a news service owned by Dow Jones. You can limit your search to Portuguese language news sources -- Look for Language and click on the blue arrow to reveal the list of available languages. Scroll down and click on the square gray box in front of Portuguese- this will add to Portuguese language sources to the search -- You may also want to click on the X next to English to remove English language new sources from the search. Factiva also allows you to limit the date ranges of a search to today's news, the entire last week, the previous 3 weeks or a custom date range.
Full-text access to news, business, medical, educational and legal sources. To limit your searches to Portuguese language sources -- Click on Advanced Search in the upper center left. In the next screen click on the "News" tab. On the next page scroll down to "Language" and click on Portuguese. Nexus Uni allows for date limits and search based on the number of words in the document