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ARTHIST 369R The Architect + the City

Architectural thinking is the lens through which the history of 20th century urbanization will be viewed in this course, which relies on primary textual and material evidence produced by design protagonists. Original texts written by architects will estab

Agenda for Library Session on October 12, 2022


1. Review this Research Guide (Urban Projects, Finding Books, Articles etc. and Citing your work.)

  • what are primary, secondary, or tertiary sources? 
  • briefly review assignments 

2. Locate a relevant book in Library Search or Worldcat 

3. Online database searching (Demo and Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, JSTOR, and ARTstor) allowing time for hands-on searching  

4. Wrap-up 


(Kim's cheat sheet) 

Assignment Checklist

abstract/annotated bibliography (due Friday, October 21 @ 5pm)

Provide a clear statement of your thesis in one substantial paragraph (what you intend to
show and how you intend to do it). All terms used should be explained clearly. Then, you
should include an annotated preliminary bibliography of at least 3 articles and books
(exclusive of website sources). An annotated bibliography has a short (one-to-two-
sentence) description/summary of the source and a brief explanation of how it may be
useful to your research. Your final bibliography should expand the list to at least 6 to 8
reliable, scholarly sources

final research paper (due Wednesday, December 7 @ 5pm) 

A 3,000-3,500-word research paper will be submitted in lieu of a final exam. You will
choose an urban project from the list provided below and compare / contrast it to a plan
that we have studied in class (in lectures, readings, or presentations). Through your
comparison, you will situate the projects within the context of 20th century urban design.

TIPS from your professor 

1) outline the paper and proceed through several drafts.

2) make a folder with images and image citations

3) use parenthetical citations within the text to refer the reader to your images.,

  • e.g.  description in text of image (Figure 4) 

4) all citations will be included as a list of endnotes, located after the body of the paper. Include
page numbers for each individual citation.

5) your bibliography should include all sources you used in your research, not just the works cited directly in the endnotes of the paper. These should be formatted according to Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, Notes and Bibliography Style. For a guide to the style, the Quick Citation Guide is most useful. 

Primary Sources

A primary source is a document, recording or other source of information created at the time being studied, by an authoritative source, usually one with direct personal knowledge of the events being described.

Primary sources include diaries, letters, family records, statistics, speeches, interviews, autobiographies, film, government documents, or original scientific research.

You can find many primary source materials via Library Search. Primary sources can also be found in Rose Library.

For more detailed information, see the Primary Sources Research Guide.

Defining Secondary Sources

  • Secondary sources interpret, analyze, and discuss the evidence provided by primary sources. Examples of secondary sources include scholarly books and articles.
  • Secondary sources are generally a second-hand account or observation at least one step removed from the event, i.e., accounts written after the fact by people not present when an event took place. Such sources are second-hand interpretations of what occurred.
  • Secondary sources, however, can be considered to be primary sources depending on the context of their use. For example, Ken Burns' documentary of the Civil War is a secondary source for Civil War researchers (because it consists of Burns' interpretation of primary source materials from the Civil War), but a primary source for those studying documentary filmmaking.
  • Secondary sources benefit from the filter of time and differing cultural contexts and perspectives which may assist (or interfere with) scholarly analysis.

Secondary sources can include:

  • biographical works;
  • commentaries and critical reviews;
  • books other than fiction or autobiographies
  • journal, newspaper, and magazine articles written well after an event takes place

Examples of Tertiary Sources:
Dictionaries/encyclopedias (may also be secondary), almanacs, fact books, Wikipedia, bibliographies (may also be secondary), directories, guidebooks, manuals, handbooks, and textbooks (may be secondary), indexing and abstracting sources.